FGTH video collection

Video and dvd items

From a wasteland to an artificial paradise

From a Wasteland to an artificial Paradise

From a wasteland to an artificial paradise

From a wasteland to an

Frankie laserdisc
From a wasteland to an artificial paradise

Rage Hard, The Frankie video

Rage Hard
The Frankie video

 Frankie video compilation 1

Video compilation 1

 Frankie video compilation 2

Video compilation 2

 Frankie video compilation 3

Video compilation 3

 Frankie video compilation 4

Video compilation 4

 Frankie video compilation 4a

Video compilation 4a

 Frankie video compilation 5

Video compilation 5

Frankie video compilation 6

Video compilation 6

Rock Around The Dock and Video Aid

Rock Around The Dock and Video Aid

Rock Around The Dock
Video Aid

Island video compilation

Island compilation

Island videolife

Island videolife

Island videolife 5 & 6

Hard on and live portraits

Hard on
Hard on - Live Portraits

 Frankie Shoot promo video

Shoot promo/instore video

Shoot, Frankie's greatest hits

Shoot, Frankie's greatest hits

The greatest, live and other vids

 Frankie video compilation Bang Hard On

Video compilation
Bang Hard On

meet and greet wembley 2004

meet and greet wembley 2004

meet and greet

Meet and greet
Wembley Arena 11.11.2004

Slaves to the rhythm

Produced by Trevor Horn
Slaves to the rhythm